OK, 3rd World Amerika. Headlines: Within Hours Of Re-Election Obama Backs UN Gun Grab Treaty, OBAMA IS FORMALLY AND CRIMINALLY CHARGED WITH TREASON, BY THE U.S. MILITARY…AGAIN! (VIDEOS), Will Americans Be Stripped of Citizenship Based on Accusation? And 15 States including Texas have filed a petition to secede from the United States

Plus additional News and Videos:

2012 US Elections - The People Have Spoken: No Confidence
Voter Turnout Plunges Throughout the Western World … Largely Due to Political Corruption
It's Official: Liberals and Conservatives Becoming Zombies
Within Hours Of Re-Election Obama Backs UN Gun Grab Treaty
Obama’s Post-Election Militancy
Ever borrowed on a credit card to pay another credit card? That’s the U.S. Government's 4 year plan
10 Politicians Who Turned on the Tears in Public From Obama to Muskie
‘%^&$ FEMA,’ Fed Up Staten Island Residents Organize Own Relief Efforts, Want Election Recount
One Area Obama Has Helped Economy: Firearms Stocks & Sales
From Fantasy To Fact: Four Ways The Fake Media Creates A False Reality
What Are You Holding On To?
Will Americans Be Stripped of Citizenship Based on Accusation?
15 States including Texas have filed a petition to secede from the United States
First Things First: Obama slaps Iran with new sanctions
Iran/USA: Who is Threatening Who? | Weapons of Mass Distraction
US, biggest violator of human rights: Analyst
SOLA 4.24 Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars

…And now for the Alternative News that humankind deserves to read, watch and analyze.

First off, the humankind is waking up to the TRUTH and my fellow awake Americans as well!

2012 US Elections - The People Have Spoken: No Confidence

Voter turnout expected to be lower than 2008, US President's mandate ranges between 25-35%.

Here is some math the establishment hopes you never do. Take the popular vote the newly elected president received, and see what percent of voter turnout it actually makes up. You will find that out of all eligible voters, the president is put into power with only between 25-35%. This isn't just with President Obama in 2012, but is a common feature of most US elections, and many elections around the world.

The next question becomes, what do we do about it?

Check it out: The People Have Spoken - NO CONFIDENCE!
Voter Turnout Plunges Throughout the Western World … Largely Due to Political Corruption

NOTE: The Surveys were done by AP and USA TODAY!

Less People Voted than in 2004 or 2008

AP notes:
Preliminary figures suggest fewer people voted this year than four years ago, when voters shattered turnout records as they elected Obama to his first term.
In most states, the numbers were even lower than in 2004, said Curtis Gans, director of American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate. Every state but Iowa is showing a smaller turnout than in 2008, Gans said. Still, the full picture may not be known for weeks because much of the counting takes place after Election Day.
“This was a major plunge in turnout nationally,” said Gans, who estimated about 126 million Americans voted, for an overall turnout rate of about 57.5 percent.
“Beyond the people with passion, we have a disengaged electorate,” Gans said.

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And for Zombies News: Then the REALITY News kicks in…

It's Official: Liberals and Conservatives Becoming Zombies

As Obama continues to execute, for another four years, the very same policies implemented by Bush (and by Romney had he been elected), individuals who call themselves “liberals” or “progressives” will be faced with the challenge of defending what they perceive to be “their candidate” irrespective of reality, facts, and common sense.

Like the first four years, self-proclaimed progressives will continue to support the wholesale slaughter of innocent people in foreign countries, indefinite detention, banker bailouts, free trade, and a gross violation of civil liberties and Constitutional rights. While these very acts were once what liberals claimed was fueling their hatred of George W. Bush, it turns out that what passes for a progressive in 2012 is a rejection of war and totalitarianism directed by Republicans – not war and totalitarianism itself.

Indeed, when asking your average Obama fan their reason for such irrational support, one can scarcely receive an answer that does not have its root in false and divisive social paradigms such as his party, his race, or his age. Simply put, Obama supporters main reason for their allegiance to Barack Obama can be boiled down to two words – “He’s Obama!”

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Within Hours Of Re-Election Obama Backs UN Gun Grab Treaty

Anyone remember that United Nations Small Arms Treaty from earlier this year that passed while the media slept doing its “business” with the elections? Well, within literally hours of Obama’s re-election the U.N. General Assembly’s disarmament committee started the process of reopening treaty talks to regulate the sale of firearms globally again.

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Obama’s Post-Election Militancy

Obama didn't miss a beat. He picked up where he left off. He's America's most belligerent leader. He's waging multiple direct and proxy wars abroad and at home by other means. Despite pressing unresolved domestic issues, he celebrated his electoral victory belligerently.

On November 7, he bombed Yemen. Washington's been waging proxy war there for years. Daily attacks occur. Drones are the weapon of choice.

Remote warriors conduct sanitized killing on the cheap. Death and injury tolls rise. Mostly civilians are harmed. On November 8, Press TV headlined "US drone kills three in Yemen." US media scoundrels ignored it.

Hours after Obama's reelection, a "drone strike near the Yemeni capital has killed three people and injured two others."

Learn more here:

Ever borrowed on a credit card to pay another credit card? That’s the U.S. Government's 4 year plan

Ever had two choices and both of them were absurd, so you just picked the lesser of two evils?

How many millions of dollars make a billion, do you know?

How many billions make a trillion, do you know?

Ever bought a product or service because the slogan said what you were hoping for, like “longest lasting muffler” or “best in customer service,” only to find out later that the slogan is the exact OPPOSITE of what you get? President Obama promises to reduce the deficit. What do you think is going to happen?

Why are Americans, according to ALL the politicians in charge, “responsible” to help pay off this 18 trillion dollar debt? We all know the Iraq war was started on false pretenses of Saddam being linked to 9/11 and having WMD’s, so why to taxpayers have to carry the burden again? We all know the Obama bailouts went to the wall street gurus, the global bankers, and CEO’s, so why are tax payers on the hook for the bill?

We all know the Feds print money whenever they want to fill their pockets, so why is the U.S. paying it back with Social Security funds, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and other money everyone got taxed on and saved for retirement?

Learn to rejoice for being slave:  

10 Politicians Who Turned on the Tears in Public From Obama to Muskie

President Obama cried this week while thanking campaign workers in Chicago. See John Boehner, Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich, and others get misty.

Watch the hypocrite cries, for their own benefits and interests:

%^&$ FEMA,’ Fed Up Staten Island Residents Organize Own Relief Efforts, Want Election Recount

Residents of Staten Island, New York are cold, homeless, and fed up with the lack of federal help more than a week after Hurricane Sandy ravaged the area and less than 24 hours after being hit with a more powerful than expected nor'easter.

“We’ve seen one FEMA car in a week,” Gennaro said. “I am embarrassed of my country, my government, the media… The 150% of the supplies we are providing are from our neighbors.”

Learn more here:


“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
-Sir Winston Churchill speaking on 9 November 1942

Thursday, 8 November 2012 – 70th Anniversary OPERATION TORCH – World War II Northwest Africa – Casablanca

From: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III United States Navy Retired
Robert Swan Mueller, III, Director – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D.C. (ORIGINAL)

The Foreman of the two sitting Federal Grand Juries sitting in Knoxville, Tennessee via William C. Killian, U.S. Attorney for Tennessee’s Easter District


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One Area Obama Has Helped Economy: Firearms Stocks & Sales

Well if there is one area of the economy in which Barack Obama has improved, it is the firearms and ammunition industry. Immediately following the re-election of Obama the Dow was sent spiraling down 300 points, but it was the gun manufacturing stocks that saw an immediate surge.

For instance Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. jumped 10.8% to $10.48 a share. That’s more than double its price at the beginning of 2012.
In addition Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. saw a surge in their stocks as well gaining 6.4% to $47.48 a share, an increase of 39% from the first of the year.

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From Fantasy To Fact: Four Ways The Fake Media Creates A False Reality

'The mainstream media exclusively focuses on a single storyline about an event or an issue, which has the effect of marginalizing other points of view that are equally valid, if not more so. Narratives, not facts and objective data, have taken center stage in the aspiring journalist’s mind. Journalists and editors who oversee the making of the news play the same role as screenwriters in the filmmaking process. Their power stems from the fact that the public looks at news as “real,” whereas they know movies are totally fake. But news in the United States and the West is the farthest thing from being real.'

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SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents…

Then the Zombies rejoiced because Baritt Obamney won. Hurray!

Here’s my take: For those people that never forget to be curious and do research to get the facts. This post is for you.

There are lots of things that can be done in another four years… The delayed war in Iran is in the process once more (of course), more dirty tactics on Syria, Argentina (colour revolution) and a lot of surprises are coming soon…

Will the Enemy Expatriation Act is one of them?

What Are You Holding On To?

Tell me what actual benefit you receive from living the “normal” lifestyle – a 2-hour commute to work each day, spending 8 hours in a corporate cubicle that removes your individuality and creativity, to receive a paycheck from which the government has taken its huge and undeserved bite from leaving almost enough to cover your bills and expenses – just so that you can live in the kind of house and drive the kind of car that your friends and relatives think you should live in and be driving.

We strive, we sacrifice health, family, and well-being for the opportunity to be a better slave.

The undisputed truth is that you have been conditioned to need your pain. But when you come right down to it, all the aforementioned conditions involve your humble, pleading, acquiescent and compliant servitude. Huxley said that the ideal circumstance would be for the slave to be contented with his slavery (paraphrased) – and here you are.

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Will Americans Be Stripped of Citizenship Based on Accusation?

In a recent op-ed published in Jurist, St. John’s University School of Law student Christopher Elsee described a scenario he believes threatens the civil rights of his fellow citizens.

Writes Elsee:

Imagine you have just written a check to an organization that sends mechanical engineering textbooks to students in Afghanistan or Iraq. Now further imagine that you have been engaged in this practice for well over a decade because you are interested in helping individuals in developing countries to improve their technical knowledge, with the hopes of enabling them to better themselves. Are you supporting terrorists? According to a proposed piece of legislation, you may very well be.

The latest iteration of the bill, known as the Enemy Expatriation Act, similarly augments the power of the federal government, allowing it to strip a suspect of his American citizenship based on nothing more than a suspicion of “engaging in, or purposefully or materially supporting, hostilities.” The text of the 2011 bill reads in relevant part:

A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality … committing any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States, violating or conspiring to violate any of the provisions of section 2383 of title 18, or willfully performing any act in violation of section 2385 of title 18, or violating section 2384 of title 18 by engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, if and when he is convicted thereof by a court martial or by a court of competent jurisdiction.

15 States including Texas have filed a petition to secede from the United States

#ItsAboutTime #Finally #GREATNews

As of Saturday November 10, 2012, 15 States have petitioned the Obama Administration for withdrawal from the United States of America in order to create its own government.

States following this action include: Louisiana, Texas, Montana, North Dakota, Indiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Colorado, Oregon and New York. These States have requested that the Obama Administration grant a peaceful withdrawal from the United States.

These petitions were filed just days after the 2012 Presidential election.

Louisiana was the first State to file a petition a day after the election by a Michael E. from Slidell, Louisiana. Texas was the next State to follow by a Micah H. from Arlington, Texas.

The government allows one month from the day the petition is submitted to obtain 25,000 signatures in order for the Obama administration to consider the request.

The Texas petition reads as follows:

The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it’s citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.

As of 12:46 am, Sunday, signatures obtained by Louisiana, 7,358; Texas, 3,771; Florida, 636; Georgia, 475; Alabama, 834; North Carolina, 792; Kentucky, 467; Mississippi, 475; Indiana, 449; North Dakota, 162; Montana, 440; Colorado, 324; Oregon, 328; New Jersey, 301 and New York, 169. Many more States are expected to follow.

A petition is not searchable at WhiteHouse.gov until 150 signatures have been obtained. It is the originator's responsibility to obtain these signatures.

Source here


White House Forced to Confront State Petitions to Secede? (Updated)

The White House website has been bombarded with petitions that have mushroomed to all 50 states moving to secede. The first petition came in from Louisiana the day after Obama's re-election, and since then a chorus of others have issued their grievances.

Now, under White House rules stated in its "We the People" program, if 25,000 people sign on by December 7th, a response must be issued. Just a few days after submitting, that number has been reached by the petitions from Texas, North Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee -- with Texas closing in on 100,000.

Learn more here

First Things First: Obama slaps Iran with new sanctions

Just days after his re-election to the White House, Barack Obama has imposed new sanctions against Tehran. This comes as the Pentagon has revealed that Iranian warplanes tried to shoot down a US drone flying near Iran's border last week.

Reza Marashi, Research Director at the National Iranian American Council, says the US has so far failed to use the bargaining opportunity the sanctions potentially have.

h/t Comment:
So obama imposes sanctions on Iran that harm the Iranian people who have done nothing to harm the u.s, obama orders drone strikes all over the middle east murdering thousands of innocent people, bush lied & sent trigger happy troops to murder over a million innocent Iraqi,s, The u.s is still murdering innocent people in Pakistan,Yemen,Afghanistan,e.t­.c yet obama claims the u.s is a "Peaceful nation" LMFAO, Iran has NOT started a war in hundreds of years [Fact] Who are the real terrorists?... From: smallyb2009

First Things First: Obama slaps Iran with new sanctions  

Iran/USA: Who is Threatening Who? | Weapons of Mass Distraction

Abby Martin takes a look at US/Iran relations starting with the 1953 CIA backed coup of Iran's democratically elected leadership.

Iran/USA: Who is Threatening Who? | Weapons of Mass Distraction 

Well, what country is the biggest violator of human rights in Virtual Earth? 

You guess is as good as mine. So the mask has been revealed, finally!

US, biggest violator of human rights: Analyst

A political analyst tells Press TV that according to all records the US is the biggest violator of human rights in the world, and should not have a place in the United Nations Human Rights Council.

On Saturday, November 10, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman called on the UN members to oppose Washington’s membership in the UN Human Rights Council in the upcoming General Assembly voting slated for November 12.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Tighe Barry, member of the CODEPINK Movement from Los Angeles, to further discuss the issue. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

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…Why is that? The video below would explain why…

SOLA 4.24 Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars 

Nobody OWNS Your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob #Zombies

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always! 

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon?
#NDAA2013 #AusterityComingSoon

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents "Where TRUTH Matters Because We are all Human Beings." 
#TPD #TPP #HAARP #Chemtrails #Agenda21 #LOST

Tomorrow is the End of Today! #DUMBs

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty #TakeBackFood